It was great to see our good friends Tom & Lisha from Humboldt along with their twins, Jill & Jaycie and their friends Matt & Josh. We had a good time throughout the weekend.
The only way we can survive this heat is to cool off in the water. We had a fun cove-out on Saturday and my job was to babysit John H. & his was to babysit me. Who do you think had a harder job?
Friday night at Dog Days this "Big Ass Boat" pulls up and who else but Jimmy of Jimmy John's get off! I guess we see where our money is going and hope Kyle makes enough sandwiches that I can have one too.
I'm a realtor with Legacy at the Lake Real Estate at the Lake of the Ozarks. I have 2 boys, Chad and his wife Alecia along with our beautiful grandchildren, Lauren and Evan. Kyle our youngest son is the manager of our Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwich shops in Jefferson City, MO and Stillwater, OK. Mia, our pug joined us in February 2010.