Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend at the Lake with the Kusleika's

Okay, so there's not much to report other than a fun-filled weekend of dining and drinking with The Kusleika's so I'll fill you in on my new wine glasses for the pool as the condo police is always looking for glass!
I found these plastic wine glasses with a nice swirl that looked somewhat classy and they were priced at $4.99 so I thought I was ordering 6 glasses. Well, it turned out that I got 6 sets of 4 and thought what the hell am I going to do with all of these as it wasn't worth returning them. I don't think I have to worry anymore as Terry forgot I told him not to put them in the dishwasher so I'm sure they'll quickly disappear or disentegrate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After a few drinks, no one will notice they are warped.